Access to healthcare – more important than ever
Nicole Papasavvas, October 2022
Access to healthcare – more important than ever October 2022 We are now in the 3rd year of the COVID-19 pandemic and are approaching a time of the year when health services will again face significant pressure. This coincides with a cost of living crisis and looming recession, where hard choices are being forced upon consumers, some of which could add to these pressures. Solutions are needed to address the rising complexity and costs of healthcare, deriving from an ageing population and higher incidence of Nicole Papassavvas multimorbidity. This topic is evolving quickly and the implications for modern Senior Sustainability society and the economy may be far reaching – we explore ways investors Analyst could direct capital to products, services and solutions in the healthcare sector. Key takeaways – We believe there is urgency to address a steadily growing health crisis. Climate and planetary changes could accelerate its impacts – The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us not only of the scale of healthcare challenges but also the breadth of the healthcare divide. While finding solutions to emerging healthcare threats, we need to ensure broader and more equitable access to medicine, intensive care and vaccines – Climate Change risks further stretching resources as we contend with heatwaves, respiratory illnesses due to higher pollution and broader transmission of diseases like 1 Dengue and West Nile fever – In addition to the human costs, the financial burden is expected to continue rising. Over 10% of GDP is spent on healthcare in many countries and investments in key enablers could present exciting opportunities in new medicines, solutions and services to help meet existing and future needs – The topic extends into biodiversity and natural capital, where healthy biological diversity creates a natural defence against the spread of certain diseases2 Value. Shared.