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Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle ISP 12.1 PLUS ISP 12 N/A PUBLIC Stewardship policy 2 Describe any additional details related to your stewardship policy elements or your overall stewardship approach. At Allianz Global Investors, our responsibility and fiduciary duty to be an active steward of our clients’ assets is taken very seriously. Our Stewardship Statement covers our principles in discharing our stewardship responsibilities, managing conflicts of interests, how we monitor investee companies, our engagement activities (e.g. providing feedback, challenging corporate practices / seeking change, and in rare circumstances, public interventions, escalation of stewardship activities, collaboration with other investors, and our approach to Proxy Voting including disclosure and reporting of voting activities. For further information, please refer to our Stewardship Statement via the following link: While our approach to climate related-risks and opportunities is not specifically mentioned in our Stewardship Statement, this is covered under our Global Corporate Governance Guidelines. Climate-related risks can have material impact on companies’ business models and operations and AllianzGI therefore expects boards and management of all companies to assess and report on the impact of climate- related risks. AllianzGI supports shareholder proposals seeking information on climate related risks and normally support proposals calling for the reduction and disclosure of GHG emissions. Details can be found in our Global Corporate Governance Guidelines document via the following link: Stewardship policy implementation Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Stewardship policy ISP 13 CORE ISP 1.1 N/A PUBLIC 2 implementation How is your stewardship policy primarily applied? ○ (A) It requires our organisation to take certain actions ◉ (B) It describes default actions that can be overridden (e.g. by investment teams for certain portfolios) ○ (C) It creates permission for taking certain measures that are otherwise exceptional ○ (D) We have not developed a uniform approach to applying our stewardship policy 46

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