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(F) We currently do not have a process in place for regularly identifying and incorporating ○ ○ ESG incidents into our investment decision-making Reporting/Disclosure Sharing ESG information with stakeholders Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Sharing ESG information with LE 13 CORE OO 6 LE N/A PUBLIC 6 stakeholders How do you ensure that clients and/or beneficiaries understand ESG screens and their implications? (2) for the (3) for a (1) for all of our majority of our minority of our (4) for none of our listed equity listed equity listed equity assets subject to assets subject to assets subject to assets subject to ESG screens ESG screens ESG screens ESG screens (A) We publish a list of ESG screens and share it on a publicly accessible platform such as a ◉ ○ ○ ○ website or through fund documentation (B) We publish any changes in ESG screens and share them on a publicly accessible platform such ◉ ○ ○ ○ as a website or through fund documentation (C) We outline any implications of ESG screens, such as deviation from a benchmark or impact on ○ ○ ◉ ○ sector weightings, to clients and/or beneficiaries 111

AGI Public RI Report - Page 111 AGI Public RI Report Page 110 Page 112