Reporting year Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle OO 3 CORE N/A N/A PUBLIC Reporting year GENERAL Indicate the year-end date for your reporting year. Month Day Year Reporting year end date: December 31 2020 Assets under management All asset classes Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle OO 4 CORE OO 4.1, OO 4.2 N/A PUBLIC All asset classes GENERAL What were your total assets under management (AUM) at the end of the indicated reporting year? Provide the amount in USD. (A) AUM of your organisation, US$ 712,453,574,877.00 including subsidiaries (C) AUM subject to execution, advisory, custody, or research US$ 75,720,644,684.00 advisory only 8

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