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☐ (L) We do not include our approach to ESG in material shared with clients/beneficiaries/the public for the majority of our assets under management Client reporting – All assets Type of Gateway PRI Indicator Dependent on Disclosure Subsection indicator to Principle Multiple, see Client reporting – All ISP 50 CORE N/A PUBLIC 6 guidance assets What ESG information is included in your client reporting for the majority of your assets under management? ☑ (A) Qualitative ESG analysis, descriptive examples or case studies ☑ (B) Quantitative analysis or key performance indicators (KPIs) related to ESG performance ☐ (C) Progress on our sustainability outcome objectives ☑ (D) Stewardship results ☑ (E) Information on ESG incidents where applicable ☐ (F) Analysis of ESG contribution to portfolio financial performance ☐ (G) We do not include ESG information in client reporting for the majority of our assets under management Frequency of client reporting – All assets Type of Gateway PRI Indicator Dependent on Disclosure Subsection indicator to Principle Multiple, see Frequency of client reporting – ISP 51 CORE N/A PUBLIC 6 guidance All assets For the majority of each asset class, how frequently do you report ESG-related information to your clients? (A) Listed equity (1) Quarterly (B) Fixed income (1) Quarterly (E) Infrastructure (3) Annually 78

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