(4) Neither process nor data (D) Fixed income assured (4) Neither process nor data (G) Infrastructure assured Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Confidence-building ISP 54 CORE ISP 52 ISP 54.1 PUBLIC 6 measures What standard did your third-party external assurance provider use? ☐ (A) PAS 7341:2020 ☑ (B) ISAE 3000 and national standards based on this ☐ (C) Dutch Standard 3810N (Assurance engagements regarding sustainability reports) ☐ (D) RevR6 (Assurance of Sustainability) ☐ (E) IDW AsS 821 (Assurance Standard for the Audit or Review of Reports on Sustainability Issues) ☐ (F) Accountability AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS) ☐ (G) IFC performance standards ☐ (H) SSAE 18 and SOC 1 ☐ (I) Other national auditing/assurance standard with guidance on sustainability, please specify: ☐ (J) Invest Europe Handbook of Professional Standards ☐ (K) ISAE 3402 ☐ (L) AAF 01/06 ☐ (M) AAF 01/06 Stewardship Supplement ☐ (N) ISO 26000 Social Responsibility ☐ (O) ASAE 3410 Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements ☐ (P) PCAF ☐ (Q) NGERS audit framework (National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting) ☐ (R) Auditor’s proprietary assurance framework for assuring RI-related information ☐ (S) Other greenhouse gas emissions assurance standard, please specify: ☐ (T) None of the above 80

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