The emissions for an issuer i refer to the sum of the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions according to the GHG Protocol. Measures of GHG emissions can also be referred to as carbon (B) Carbon footprint tCO2e footprint. The emissions for the 2020 report calculation are sourced from MSCI ESG, which mainly represents emission data based on CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) data. It is the product of the portfolio (D) Weighted average carbon tCO2e/EUR mn sales weights and corporate issuer carbon intensity intensity Carbon budgets are calculated for each temperature scenario. If a company’s or portfolio’s carbon budget is below (negative value) a given temperature’s carbon budget it Temperature ranges: 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5 (E) Implied temperature warming may be attributed an implied degrees temperature corresponding to the scenario. The Implied temperature range will be between the lowest positive carbon budget and highest negative carbon budget figure. Carbon budgets are calculated for each temperature scenario. If a company’s or portfolio’s carbon budget is below (negative value) a given temperature’s carbon budget it may be attributed an implied tCO2e above a carbon budget for (H) Other metrics [as specified] temperature corresponding to the temperature ranges scenario. If the company’s emissions have stayed above (below) a Sectoral Decarbonisation or Global Decarbonisation pathway from a given base year, then it has positive (negative) carbon budget. (5) Disclosed value (A) Total carbon emissions 31 (B) Carbon footprint 187 (D) Weighted average carbon intensity 352 70

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