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Annual overview Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle SLS 1 S2 CORE N/A N/A PUBLIC Annual overview GENERAL Discuss your organisation’s progress during the reporting year on the responsible investment issue you consider most relevant or material to your organisation or its assets. Reflect on your performance with respect to your organisation’s responsible investment objectives and targets during the reporting year. This might involve e.g. outlining your single most important achievement, or describing your general progress, on topics such as the following: refinement of ESG analysis and incorporation stewardship activities with investees and/or with policy makers collaborative engagements attainment of responsible investment certifications and/or awards In 2020, we embarked on an ambitious program to strengthen our sustainability value proposition. We are building on a strong foundation in sustainable investing and aim to become a shaper of sustainable investing solutions across public and private markets – leading clients and companies on an inclusive transition pathway to a sustainable future. This will significantly enhance our overall sustainable investment offering. The senior hire of Matt Christensen as Global Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing at the end of 2020 marks an important further milestone in our sustainability roadmap. He succeeded Beatrix Anton-Groenemeyer, who stepped down as CSO at the end of 2020. In his role he aims to accelerate the growth of Impact Investing as part of the company’s growing private markets platform; lead the continued integration of ESG factors across our existing range of public markets products, including stewardship activities; and support the development of new Sustainable products. Participating in 10,183 (2019: 9,532) shareholder meetings over the course of 2020, AllianzGI voted against, withheld or abstained from at least one agenda item at 72% (2019: 77%) of all meetings globally. It opposed 23% (2019: 24%) of all resolutions globally. These figures, as well as an increase in the number of meetings voted at, reflect our highly active and globally consistent approach to stewardship and a willingness to vote against proposals that do not meet our expectations of investee companies as well as fulfilling our duty to act in the interests of clients by considering each proposal on merit. We have been recognized by Greenwich Associates as the leading ESG Investment Manager for Institutional Clients in Continental Europe in 2020. Also noteworthy to mention is that AllianzGI has been shortlisted for 2020 PRI Awards in the category ‘Real-world impact initiative of the year’ for its innovative work in blended finance. 5

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