Infrastructure: Ownership level Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Infrastructure: Ownership OO 29 CORE OO 5 N/A PUBLIC GENERAL level What is the percentage breakdown of your organisation's infrastructure assets by level of ownership? (A) A majority stake (50% and above) (5) >75% (B) A significant minority stake (between 10–50%) (2) 1–10% (C) A limited minority stake (less than 10%) (2) 1–10% Infrastructure: Strategy Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle OO 30 CORE OO 5 N/A PUBLIC Infrastructure: Strategy GENERAL What is the percentage breakdown of your organisation's internally managed infrastructure assets by investment strategy? Percentage of total internally managed infrastructure AUM (A) Core >75% (B) Value added 0.0% (C) Opportunistic 0.0% 32

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