Foreword Meaningful change occurs when organic We are proud of our progress in fostering bottom-up efforts are combined with a a welcoming and inclusive workplace but 2022: strong leadership focus and provision of we fully acknowledge that there is much education, tools and processes. This is why more work to be done. we are increasing our efforts to deliver impactful and sustainable change at We will continue to nurture the grassroots a year of every level, within and outside our firm. efforts of our passionate colleagues, Simply speaking, we want AllianzGI to hire diverse people and foster a culture be a safe, inclusive and diverse place where everyone can contribute and which we all enjoy being part of and we belong. At the same time, we will embed consolidation also want to help make this a reality for inclusive and diverse practices across wider society. our entire value chain, including with our external stakeholders. I am pleased to welcome you to our Diversity, I am tremendously encouraged by Equity and Inclusion report. 2022 marked our what we have achieved to date and look forward to driving another 10-year anniversary of conscious DEI commitment decade of positive change with your at AllianzGI and we are proud of how far we continued support. have come. 2022 was a year during which we consolidated the DEI foundations on which we will continue building. We sharpened our focus on nurturing psychological Tobias Pross (He/His/Him) safety and raised awareness of how the working CEO AllianzGI and lived experience of majority and minority groups can differ. Allianz Global Investors Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report 2022 02