EuRoSIf EuRopEaN SRI TRaNSpaRENcy coDE - DEcEmbER 2021 Allianz Global Sustainability, Allianz Multi Tempere ISR (*) Allianz Valeurs Durables, Allianz Actions Euro Convictions, Derivatives are used to a limited extent for efficient portfo- lio allocation and especially for risk management purposes. Allianz Europe Equity SRI, futures are used in practice to hedge the equity and/or Allianz Epargne Actions ISR Solidaire, bond exposures. Allianz Epargne Durable, Allianz Climate Transition (*) Allianz Emerging Markets SRI Bond, although some derivative instruments are allowed in the Allianz Emerging Markets SRI Corporate Bond (*) prospectus these are not used in practice. both funds may use currency forwards or futures for hed- Allianz Neo ISR 2020/ 2021, Allianz Climate 2021 (*) ging purpose (interest rate or currency hedging). The funds use derivative instruments, being structured Allianz Euro Credit SRI, Allianz Euro Credit SRI Plus, products. Allianz Green Bond, Allianz Green Transition Bond (*) Allianz Securicash SRI, Allianz Epargne The strategies mainly use currency swaps, interest rate Monetaire ISR, Allianz Pee Monetaire ISR, futures and cDS on iTraxx indices for hedging or efficient Allianz Monetaire (2C), portfolio management purpose. Allianz Euro Short Term Bonds SRI (*) Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Euro, Interest-rate derivatives can be used, solely to hedge inte- Allianz Advanced Fixed Income Short Duration, rest rate risk. The fund does not enter Total Return Swaps. Allianz Euro Rentenfonds (*) Allianz Euro Oblig Court Terme ISR (*) yes, but for the advanced fixed Income strategy, deriva- tives are not an essential part of our approach. If they are both credit and investment rate derivatives can be used for used, typically it is to fine tune duration using futures or efficient portfolio management to hedge the portfolio and/ enter relative-value positions. or marginally add value but are not used as major perfor- mance contributors. The investment in cDS (selling protection) is mainly done 4.8) Do the funds invest in mutual funds? on an opportunistic basis at very short maturities. on the Allianz Global Multi-Asset Credit SRI, other hand, cDS (buying protection) can be used to hedge individual credit exposures. In no case will this type of Allianz Global Credit SRI (*) instrument be used for speculative purposes such as, for example, taking a short position on an issuer. both funds may invest up to 10% in other allianzGI mutual funds, subject to ucITS and prospectus rules and internal Allianz Stiftungsfonds Nachhaltigkeit, approvals. Allianz Vermögenskonzept SRI Dynamisch, Allianz Global Sustainability (*) Allianz Vermögenskonzept SRI Ausgewogen, Allianz Vermögenskonzept SRI Defensiv, for this fund it is permitted to invest up to 10% in other Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 15, allianzGI mutual funds, however not used by the portfolio Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 50, management team. Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 75, Allianz Securicash SRI, Allianz Epargne Monetaire ISR, Allianz Euro Balanced, Allianz Smart Energy, Allianz Pee Monetaire ISR, Allianz Monetaire (2C), Allianz Clean Planet, Allianz Positive Change, Allianz Euro Short Term Bonds SRI (*) Allianz Better World Defensive, Allianz Better World Dynamic, Allianz Better World Moderate, as a short-term money market fund, allianz Sécuricash SRI Allianz Global Water, Allianz Food Security, usually does not invest in other funds. However, it would be allowed to invest up to 10% of its assets in other short-term Allianz Sustainable Health Evolution(*) money market funds managed by allianz Group entities. yes. 35