EuRoSIf EuRopEaN SRI TRaNSpaRENcy coDE - DEcEmbER 2021 base reflects our critical evaluation of companies’ ESG • 10% of assets could have an SRI rating ≤ average or not positioning and helps in selecting stocks that may be rated; considered for inclusion in the portfolio. • Excluded issuers (violating the Human Rights criteria, and • at least 90% of portfolio assets must receive an internal issuers addressed by the allianzGI’s SRI exclusion policy) SRI rating ≥ sector average; are not allowed in the portfolio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ource: allianz Global Investors, for illustrative purposes only. Allianz Stiftungsfonds Nachhaltigkeit, lite investments), we try to select the best in their sector Allianz Vermögenskonzept SRI Dynamisch, and apply specific exclusion criteria. Sustainable investing Allianz Vermögenskonzept SRI Ausgewogen, aims to create added value for investors while improving the risk profile. Allianz Vermögenskonzept SRI Defensiv, ESG analysis and evaluation are included in the evaluation Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 15, methodology in the same way as traditional financial ana- Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 50, lysis, aiming to construct a portfolio with an optimum ESG Allianz Dynamic Multi Asset Strategy SRI 75, quality/financial quality profile. an issuer will therefore be Allianz Euro Balanced included in the portfolio if, and only if, the ESG profile and financial appraisal are both positive. Investment objective of the funds The multi asset portfolio manager is not directly involved The SRI approach, which underlies the selection of indivi- in the security selection within the underlying asset classes. dual securities, involves analysing investments according This is performed by the portfolio management teams res- to ESG criteria. When selecting the individual securities in ponsible for the specific asset classes. This way, we use the the core portfolio and within the scope of the global respective experts on all individual decision levels in the search for opportunities in interesting asset classes (satel- management of the fund. 17