Welcome 02 AllianzGI as a sustainable business continued Shaping pathways to a sustainable future 03 What sustainable investing Corporate citizenship means to us 04 Beyond our core operations and sustainable investing, Acting on climate risks we seek to use our resources and employee skills to and opportunities 05 have a positive impact on our communities. We support Sustainable investing 06 initiatives local to our operations with a focus on those that align with the UN SDGs. Active stewardship 08 Examples include: Collaborative engagement 09 – Childr en’s charities in Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and the US with priorities such as Influencing companies health, education, and children’s rights through proxy voting 10 – Or ganisations fighting poverty in France, US AllianzGI as a and Singapore sustainable business 11 – Pr ojects helping to provide food to disadvantaged communities in France, Germany, Peru, Hong Kong, Italy, Singapore and the UK – Initiatives working with childr en and adults with disabilities in Hong Kong, Japan and Luxembourg – Charities fighting homelessness in the US – Or ganisations promoting environmental protection in China and Taiwan. Shaping a new generation of innovation with Enactus In our second year of collaboration as a gold member of Enactus Germany, we worked with students to support activities that target the UN SDGs through our Find out more about sponsorship of the “Start-up Accelerator” in November our approach to 2021. We share the passion of the students engaged corporate citizenship in in Enactus networks on their journey to create a better our Sustainability and world through innovation and entrepreneurial action. Stewardship Report 2021.

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