Our licence to operate is built on the trust that our clients, employees and others have in our performance and integrity. 100% of employees participated in Global Compliance Training covering Anti- Money Laundering, Anti-Fraud and Economic Sanctions. We are committed to having a positive We aim to be a role model in delivering our own targets social impact and contributing to delivery on climate change and environmental impact. of the UN SDGs. 59% 60% Over 700 reduction in GHG emissions per reduction of travel emissions corporate volunteering hours employee in 2022 against the per employee against our recorded in 2022 2019 baseline baseline emissions in 2019 2023 focus: New corporate citizenship 100% 45% programme to be rolled out in 2023 focused on SDG 8 – decent work and of the electricity used by reduction in waste generated economic growth, SDG 13 – climate AllianzGI in its offices and per employee against the action, and SDG 17 – partnerships for local data centres comes from 2019 baseline the goals renewable, low-carbon sources