We have moved beyond ESG to think holistically about sustainability across We also developed separate absolute and investment portfolios. Our relative company ESG scores to provide goal is to show the real-world additional perspectives for investment decision- impact of our investments.” making. Furthermore, we supplemented these with detailed company analysis commentary which now includes human rights – a key topic within our inclusive capitalism theme. To enhance climate data capture, we invested in data monitoring to support decarbonisation pathways and net zero alignment. We also expanded the key performance indicators (KPIs) used for the planetary boundaries and inclusive capitalism topics in line with our work on climate change KPIs. 2023 focus Looking ahead, 2023 will see further implementation of our conviction-led approach, including guiding clients on the risks and opportunities of key sustainability themes. We will increase the scalability of our solutions to seek greater real-world impact and continue to strengthen firm-wide knowledge and capabilities for sustainable investing, for example through mandatory firm-wide sustainability training. For more detail on sustainable investing, please see section 02 of our Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2022.