Global Corporate Governance Guidelines General Voting Issues Agenda items at shareholder meetings should Many routine proposals are operational issues be presented clearly, distinctly and of a noncontroversial nature. The list of unambiguously. AllianzGI favours voting on operational issues includes, but is not limited to: individual issues and will vote against bundled – Changing date, time, or location of the annual resolutions if we disagree with at least one meeting; component of a bundled proposal. – Amending quorum requirements; – Amending minor bylaws; AllianzGI in general opposes “Other Business” – Approving financial results, director reports, proposals unless there is full and clear and auditor reports; information about the exact nature of the – Approving allocation of income; business to be voted on. – Changing the company’s fiscal term; and – Lowering disclosure threshold for stock AllianzGI believes that companies should apply ownership. high standards of disclosure and transparency. In this regards, AllianzGI shows a preference for: While these proposals are considered to be – A t least half-year or full-year reports; routine, they are not inconsequential. Fiduciaries – A dherence to consistent internationally remain charged with casting their votes, so these accepted financial standards; proposals must be evaluated on a case-by-case – A vailability of financial information and basis, taking into account shareholders’ rights investor communication in English; and the potential economic benefits that would – P ersonal accessibility and availability of top be derived from implementation of the proposal. management and non-executive directors to investors; – P ublication of documents on the Internet; – M andatory presence of directors at general meetings; – A doption of electronic voting; and – S tandardisation of voting forms and confirmation of votes to investors. AllianzGI will generally oppose proposals to provide management with the authority to adjourn an annual or special meeting absent compelling reasons to support the proposal. However, AllianzGI will support proposals that Contact for queries relate specifically to soliciting votes for a merger or transaction if supporting that merger or Dr Antje Stobbe transaction. Tel: +49 (0) 69 24431 2630 Email: [email protected] AllianzGI Stewardship Team Email: [email protected] 22