At Allianz Global Investors, we state our commitment to zero-tolerance on harassment, discrimination in our Global Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination policy. To actively support inclusion and diversity and to ensure all our employees are valued and treated with respect, Allianz Global Investors will ensure that employees are made aware of firm’s inclusion & diversity approach during their employment in appropriate ways, for instance through day to day management, induction programs, training and development programs, global and regional intranet sites, employee communications. Employees’ responsibilities Every employee is expected to treat everyone with respect and help to create an inclusive environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment of any kind and where everyone is welcomed, valued, respected, and heard. This includes: – Acting as role models and demonstrating it in daily working activities; – Taking the time to learn about inclusion and diversity topics; – Showing visible support to inclusion and diversity initiatives and being a spokesperson for inclusion and diversity issues that are not necessarily their own. – Speaking up if they notice identity-based assumptions being made about a colleague’s needs, work ambitions and competencies and respond when they hear offensive identity-based jokes; – Welcoming ideas and perspectives that are different from their own; – Treating people in a way they wish to be treated rather than the way you wish to be treated and, most importantly, being respectful always. 9

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