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Market Monitor, Issue 04 | 2022

Autonomous-vehicle technology – California, Property market – South Korea, IT spending – Global, Frozen food market – China, Athletic footwear and apparel trends – US, Out-of-home media advertising – Australia.

Issue 04 | 2022 Grassroots Research® Market Monitor Autonomous-vehicle technology – Frozen food market – China Athletic footwear and apparel trends– California US Property market – South Korea IT spending – Global Out-of-home media advertising – Australia Autonomous-vehicle technology – California To gauge the timeliness of broader As to the factors distinguishing market autonomous-vehicle (AV) adoption in leaders from other companies in this California, Grassroots commissioned industry, they reportedly include funding interviews with sources knowledgeable and financial underpinning, techno- about the industry. Among those who logical expertise, substantial progress provided estimates, broader adoption already made, the ability to integrate is expected in an average of 9 years, all the different technologies and do it with a range of 5–15 years, while those better than others, deployment/testing who did not provide estimates said the with significant mileage already, and time frame is too distant, with many the ability to build consumer confidence factors still in play, including technology, in the brand. political and societal acceptance, the a positive impact of COVID-19: 17% said regulatory environment, liability and When asked about the negative an increase in online shopping due to insurance, federal guidance, and an impact of COVID-19, 56% of sources COVID-19 could lead to a greater focus urban environment not adapted to AVs. cited minimal or no impact, as the time on AVs for delivery services, 6% said frame for AV technology is so long, and the shortage of drivers for trucking and Meanwhile, 17% of sources expect 33% said the fact that there was less public transportation could stimulate regulations to be passed in California to or no testing during the short initial AV adoption in these industries, and allow AVs on the market in an average phase of the pandemic has not had a 6% said the virtualization of work as of 6 years, 11% said it is already happen- major impact, while 22% said supply a result of COVID-19 could enable AV ing or will happen very soon, 6% said chain issues could have an impact, companies to attract the best talent regulations will evolve incrementally, 6% and 17% said a recession or weaker from a much wider pool. said technology is ahead of regulations, economy could reduce investment in AV and 61% were unsure of the time frame. technology. At the same time, 28% cited Value. Shared.

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