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AllianzGI Principal Adverse Impact Statement Page 6 ▪ In 2007, Allianz Global Investors was among the first 50 asset managers to sign the UN - supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) . As stated by the PRI principles, signatories commit amongst other to “incorporate Environ mental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues into investment analysis and decision - making processes”, whereby ESG issues 9 refer to both: The impact of ESG - related risks on investments as well as their impacts on sustainability factors. Today, the principles continue to guide our approach and drive continuous improvement across our business. Allianz Global Investors ’ PRI Transparency Report contains more detailed information and is available on our website . ▪ Allianz Global Investors is an official supporter of the G20 Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate - related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) . We are improving transparency around climate - related dis closures and are working to further align our strategy and approach with the recommendations developed by TCFD. As TCFD has encouraged companies all over the world to disclose the risks that climate change poses to their business models, supporting this is aligned with addressing carbon emission and climate risks more broadly that we consider having sustainability adverse impact. ▪ Allianz Global Investors is a participant of Climate Action 100+ . The Climate Action 100+ is a five - year investor - led initiative to engage more than 100 of the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters to curb emissions, strengthen climate - related financial disclosure and improve governance on climate change ri sks. Participating in the Climate Action 100+ is for us an important way to support reducing carbon emission which we consider as one of the key principal adverse impacts. ▪ In 2021, Allianz Global Investors joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZA Mi) 10 , and supports the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. As stated by the NZAMi, signatories commit part to work in partnership with asset owner clients on decarbonization g oals, consistent with an ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner across all assets under management, set an interim target for the proportion of assets to be managed in line with the attainment of net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner; and re view their interim target at least every five years, with a view to ratcheting up the proportion of AuM covered until 100% of assets are included. Allianz Global Investors’ TCFD Report contains more detailed information and is available on our website . A c omplete list of all Allianz Global Investors’ memberships and partnerships can be accessed in Collaborative ESG Initiatives and Memberships . Our parent company, Allianz is a member of RE100 and Science - Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Founding member of the U.N – convened Net - zero Asset Owner Alliance (AOA). With its AOA membership Allianz is committed to aligning its insurance investment portfolio with a 1.5°C scenario, addressing Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement. A complete list of all memberships and partnerships can be accessed in the Group Sustainabili ty Report section 05.4 . IV S TATEMENT UPDATES AND MAINTENANCE This Statement, will be available by the public on Allianz Global Investors website: Allia nz Global Investors PAI statement . Allianz Global Investors reviews its Principal Adverse Impact Policy and this Statement at least annually or more frequently if material changes to the regulatory or market environment occurs that may require adjustments. V INVESTMENT ADVI C E We currently do not take into account principal adverse impact in our investment advice. The detailed rules on principal adverse impact are not yet finalized. We will review the decision by the end of the year based on then available data and the finalized standards. Upon clients request we can offer taking into account principal adverse impact on the range of indicators we consider as part of our investment decisions. 9 For more information on ESG issues as defined by PRI, please see here: (page 3) 10 More information can be found at

Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Statement - Page 6 Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Statement Page 5 Page 7