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AllianzGI Stewardship Statement service provider. AllianzGI uses an electronic proxy voting AllianzGI aims to have one integrated view when it comes platform provided by ISS to cast our votes. In addition, we to proxy voting decisions and will only depart from this have access to various other sources of sustainability approach in exceptional circumstances when differing research, corporate governance indicators, as well as sell- votes by investment teams can be justified by strategy- side analysis that we use to supplement our analysis and specific considerations. assessment. AllianzGI encourages investee companies to engage with us Proxy voting and internal consultation long in advance of shareholder meetings. We favour robust process dialogue that leads to improvements in corporate practices rather than voting against management proposals at shareholder meetings. Whenever practical, we will seek The general approach of AllianzGI, which applies globally, discussions with companies on contentious issues. Where is to use corporate governance analysis as an important we hold a significant stake or have been engaging the input into company research, internal ratings and company company, we will endeavour to advise the company in engagement. Our investment platform has processes advance of any decision to vote against or abstain on designed to link portfolio managers and the Sustainability management proposals. Research and Stewardship teams, and through their collaboration we are able to highlight ESG risks and Securities lending substandard practices in investee companies. AllianzGI has adopted a risk-based approach to proxy Securities lending can play a role in enhancing returns voting research and analysis. This means the Stewardship where it is deemed appropriate. We do not actively engage team focuses its effort on reviewing shareholder meeting in securities lending on behalf of either our mutual funds proposals for the proportion of holdings in our portfolios or assets for institutional clients, whether via an in-house deemed particularly important to us and potentially higher securities lending desk or a third-party agency. However, risk, mainly large aggregate positions across our strategies, where an individual institutional client requests us to facilitate core holdings in individual funds, companies with an securities lending through external agency lending – for ongoing engagement activity, etc. Our proxy voting policy example via an independently selected custodian – we is consistently applied to the remaining holdings. strive to support this activity within our operational process frameworks. Once reviewed, proposals are logged within our global collaboration system which is accessible to our investment teams. This means they can review potentially contentious proposals for holdings in their portfolios and discuss them with the Stewardship team for further analysis before reaching a consensus decision. For policy overrides, internal consultations involving analysts and portfolio managers take place through this system as well. We do not automatically support company management or the board, which is evidenced by our voting statistics. 14

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