AllianzGI Stewardship Statement Acting collectively with other investors AllianzGI participates in collective engagement when – E uropean Fund and Asset Management Association this route offers the most effective way of achieving (EFAMA) engagement objectives and is in the best interests – E uropean Leveraged Finance Association (ELFA) of our clients. Collaboration with other investors in – F orum per la Finanza Sostenibile (Italian Responsible company engagements is particularly important where Investment Forum) share ownership is dispersed, and it is difficult to have – F orum pour l´Investissement Responsable (French Social shareholder voice heard through individual engagements. Investment Forum) – G erman Investment Funds Association (BVI) AllianzGI’s decision to initiate or join a collective engagement – H ong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA) will depend on a number of factors, including: – I nstitutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) – I nternational Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) – T he specific issue of concern – T he UK Investment Association (IA) – E xtent to which we can exert influence on our own – T he UK Investor Forum – T rust and alignment in views and objectives with – UN PRI other investors – A greement on strategy and potential escalation Please refer to the AllianzGI Sustainability and Stewardship – P robability of success. Report 2021 for an overview of activities and different sustainability initiatives in which we participate. AllianzGI’s collective engagement activities are undertaken in compliance with relevant statutory rules and guidelines We see it as our fiduciary duty to raise and seek to address from regulatory authorities, including on market abuse, issues that can impact the long-term sustainability and insider dealing and concert party regulations. performance of our investments through public policy engagement. In our approach we seek to speak with one AllianzGI is a member of multiple trade associations, voice across all regions and asset classes and help external investor networks and other bodies that facilitate investor stakeholders understand the rationale for our involvement engagement, and we leverage these when and as and how they can address investor concerns. For this appropriate. At any given time, AllianzGI may be actively reason, all proposed public policy engagements are involved with several investor organisations and projects reviewed following a dedicated reputational risk process that facilitate discussion, sharing of information and involving senior management as appropriate. collective engagement at an issuer or public policy level, including, but not limited to, the following: – A ssociation Francaise de la Gestion Financiere (French Asset Management Association) – C limate Action 100+ – C ouncil of Institutional Investors (CII) 12

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