01 Our sustainability approach 02 Sustainable investing 03 Active stewardship 04 Corporate sustainability 05 Appendix 03.3 AllianzGI’s engagement in numbers Principles 7 9 In 2022, we engaged with companies on 438 occasions, mostly via We engaged with virtual engagement meetings (2021: 299). The substantial increase of almost 50% from last year reflects – among others – the expansion of engagement activities in Asia – particularly in China, Hong Kong and Japan. 355 See case studies on pages 77–78. companies in 2022. Engagements covered 996 topics In 2022, we completed 88 climate (2021: 482). We often engaged on engagements. Most of these were Substantial expansion of our stewardship activities in 2022 more than one topic per company and achieved through answers to very the significant year-on-year increase is specific questionnaires for each 2 driven by our new engagement reporting company and we completed 25 specific Engagements  template which enables more granular engagement meetings to collect further reporting of sub-topics. information. These are included in our engagement statistics. Companies engaged 2 We reached out to a total of 276  companies under our Climate To implement European regulation for Engagement with Outcome (CEWO) sustainable fund categories, we reviewed 2 approach since inception in the middle the sustainable investment share of certain Stewardship outcomes  5 of 2021. We engaged with 84% of funds and analysed principal adverse companies (accounting for 88% of these impact (PAI) indicators. Where data was companies’ aggregate emissions) to ambiguous or incomplete, we engaged Company dialogue 6 7 collect information on climate strategy, 37 companies for additional information on SI share/PAI governance and the full scope of the (17 for sustainable investment share and decarbonisation pathway. 20 for PAIs). In 27 cases, this resulted in an EM sovereigns 22 7 amendment of the indicators used in the engagement  222 investment process. 5 Sustainable investment share: the percentage of a fund that can be considered as sustainable according to the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations. 6 Engagements began in 2022 per regulatory requirements. 7 Not reported in 2021. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2022 69

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