01 Our sustainability approach 02 Sustainable investing 03 Active stewardship 04 Corporate sustainability 05 Appendix 04.5 Driving our corporate citizenship While the acute impacts of SDG 8 are also closely linked with Promoting financial literacy and Covid-19 have receded, many SDG 13, Climate Action and SDG 17, education for next generations communities are grappling Partnerships for the Goals. In line with Our aim is to support future generations with the rising cost of living the Allianz Group corporate citizenship to overcome the economic and social strategy, future generations are a key At present, there are more children in impacts of the pandemic and other and the impacts of climate focus of our approach. need of humanitarian assistance than systematic social risks. Examples include: change. It is important for us to at any other time since the Second continue our work for positive Our corporate volunteering World War. Across the globe, they are • In collaboration with IW Junior in social impact and contribute and donations facing a confluence of crises – from Germany, 15 AllianzGI employees In 2022, over 700 corporate volunteering violence and displacement to infectious provided financial literacy education to the achievement of the UN hours were recorded within AllianzGI, disease outbreaks, soaring rates of for students nationwide through Sustainable Development with colleagues around the globe malnutrition and growing up in extreme online training and school class visits. Goals (SDGs). engaged in actively supporting numerous poverty. Meanwhile, climate change More than 300 corporate volunteering local community initiatives aimed at is compounding the severity of these hours were contributed by our Frankfurt Our approach to corporate citizenship creating positive long-term impact. crises and unleashing new ones. But the office in 2022. Our ambition is defined by our business situation is not hopeless. Together with • Also in Germany, our long-standing strategy and brought to life through We continued with our tradition of end-of- supporters like AllianzGI we have risen collaboration with “BVI Hoch im Kurs” our employees and the local efforts of year donations across the globe to causes to the challenge. From Afghanistan to is educating young people on topics our global entities. Our longstanding that are important to our employees. Somalia, from the Sahel to Yemen – such as “the financial crisis and its commitment to shaping a more resilient Our donations of around EUR 620,000 UNICEF is on the ground in countries implications” and “How to save money society continues to motivate our corporate in 2022 focused on supporting local around the world, providing children efficiently” since 2008. citizenship efforts in our offices around communities to deal with the rising cost with lifesaving assistance during • In Taiwan, our employees worked with the world. of living, promoting financial literacy and humanitarian emergencies. Our work Help Rainbow Family Life Education education among the next generations, continues – thank you very much for Association since 2020 to organise and Our activities prioritise SDG 8, Decent supporting child safety and basic your support!” create financial education courses. Work and Economic Growth, which aims needs, and protecting the environment. A total of 546 students took part in the to “promote sustained, inclusive, and Beneficiaries included UNICEF for their Christian Schneider, courses in 2022. sustainable economic growth, full and Humanitarian Action for Children appeal CEO of UNICEF Germany productive employment, and decent and food banks in Frankfurt, Hong Kong, © UNICEF/UN0606725/Etges work for all.” Our actions to deliver London, Munich and Singapore. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2022 119

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