01 Our sustainability approach 02 Sustainable investing 03 Active stewardship 04 Corporate sustainability 05 Appendix 03.5 Collaborative engagements Principles 7 10 Legal framework and policy 4. Promoting gender diversity and observed a slight but real shift with issuers. We are active in group discussions engagement in Germany In line with our sustainability theme of respect to meritocracy and looking to the and advocacy around labelled bonds and inclusive capitalism, we chaired the French strengths and competences brought about debt and fiscal transparency. We also In AllianzGI’s home market of investor group of the 30% Club, a global by cognitive diversity, ie, the presence of share lessons from our work on the Germany, collaborative engagement campaign aiming to increase gender broadly diverse perspectives of mind. Sustainable Bond Market Advisory Group is still in an emerging state due to a diversity on boards and executive teams. of the London Stock Exchange, as well as regulatory environment that is not In 2022, AllianzGI joined all corporate 5. PRI Advance Coalition on Human Rights presenting at industry conferences on ESG clearly defined when it comes to engagements, including 18 in-person In line with our sustainability theme topics in emerging markets. the “acting in concert” implications. meetings and conversations via email. of inclusive capitalism, we decided to This means that there is considerable broaden our engagement approach uncertainty among asset managers We engaged with a French defence and on human rights. In 2022, we joined the and owners as to the conditions aerospace company on their diversity PRI Advance stewardship initiative for under which they may cooperate in strategy and how they are planning to investors to act on human rights and social engagements. We continued policy achieve gender equity and reduce the issues. AllianzGI joined as a collaborative work on this topic in 2022 via the gender pay gap. In one year, the company investor and will work jointly with other DVFA10 Governance and Stewardship made great steps towards its diversity investors on engaging companies in Commission, the Working Group on trajectory, committed to realistic and Europe and Asia in 2023. Sustainable Finance at the Ministry of credible targets, and reaffirmed the Finance and public speaking to seek objective of the firm to be in line with 6. Collaborative engagement on clarity from the German regulator on 30% Club France vision. In particular, sovereigns: Emerging Markets the topic. the company has a very proactive Investors Alliance approach to close the gender pay gap, Shaping sustainable pathways towards which stood as a best practice. change requires a collective and long-term approach to emerging market sovereign We also continued to engage with a engagement. We joined the Emerging French reinsurance company on gender Markets Investors Alliance (EMIA) as a diversity due to the disconnect between Board Member in 2022. This pro-bono the percentage of women in the workforce industry association brings together and at management/executive positions. emerging market investors, NGOs and We appreciated the transparency and think tanks to advocate for better ESG the openness to address our concerns outcomes at sovereign and corporate 10 Association of investment professionals in Germany. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2022 83

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