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E ESG risk assessed All our investment strategies are ESG risk assessed. It means investment teams can monitor ESG risks as part of the investment process, but do not necessarily actively integrate ESG risks and opportunities in their investment decisions. For publicly listed asset classes, we have implemented a tool – our ESG hub – to systematically monitor and assess sustainability risks. It is accessible to all of our portfolio managers and enables them to find reports on the sustainability risk profile of each of their portfolios. The reports include various ESG measures as well as Principal Adverse Impact indicators. For private market asset classes, ESG risks are considered throughout both the investment process and ongoing asset management activities. In many cases, they are also specifically screened along sustainability risks guidelines or using minimum exclusions lists as defined by Allianz’s ESG Risk Framework. ESG risk-focused One of our three product categories. Within this category, we offer products which aim to incorporate material ESG risk considerations into our investment process across asset classes, to seek a better risk/return profile. This category includes our Integrated ESG (IESG) approach . AllianzGI concepts AllianzGI Sustainable Investing – Glossary 23

Sustainable Investing – Glossary - Page 23 Sustainable Investing – Glossary Page 22 Page 24