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05.3 Metrics and targets Topic Targets Progress and achievements 2021 GHG emissions Reduce GHG emissions by 38% per employee by 2025 Achieved a 77% reduction in 2021 (2020: 46%) compared compared with 2019. to 2019. Energy Reduce energy consumption in our office buildings by Achieved a 22% reduction in 2021 (2020: 9%) compared consumption 10% per employee by 2025 compared with 2019. to 2019. Renewable As a signatory of the RE100 initiative, Allianz has committed Achieved 100% renewable, low-carbon electricity for electricity to source 100% renewable electricity (RE) for its group-wide our operations in 2021. operations by 2023. Business Reduce GHG emissions from business travel by 20% per Achieved a 81% reduction in 2021 (2020: 76%) compared travel employee by 2025 compared with 2019. to 2019. In addition to our net-zero goals on the investment Paper Reduce paper consumption by 20% per employee Achieved a 66% reduction in 2021 (2020: 29%) compared side, we have also committed to reducing our consumption by 2025 compared with 2019. to 2019. greenhouse gas footprint as a business, covering Water Reduce water consumption by 15% per employee Achieved a 4% reduction in 2021 (2020: a 36% increase) energy-related emissions, business travel and consumption by 2025 compared with 2019. compared to 2019. paper use. I’m proud of the progress we have made Waste Reduce waste by 14% per employee by 2025 compared Achieved a 49% reduction in 2021 (2020: 40%) compared so far and especially proud of how engaged our with 2019. to 2019. colleagues are on this topic. Many are taking their own conscious steps to reduce their carbon footprint For GHG emissions, achievements in 2021 were mainly occupancy sensors and refurbishment activities as well as they want to contribute to a cleaner planet for due to increased use of renewable power, improved as increased remote working. all of us today and for generations to come. energy management, and reduced business travel. While business travel accounted for 40% of GHG We expect to include GHG emissions from flexible and emissions from operations in 2021 (2020: 25%), overall Markus Kobler hybrid working within scope of our future reporting emissions associated with travel are decreasing. Chief Financial Officer to reflect infrastructure changes as the way we work Covid-19 measures played a material role in reducing continues to evolve. business travel emissions along with our new Global For energy consumption, the reduction was mainly Travel Policy that prioritises client-facing business travel due to energy-saving initiatives such as installation of over travel for internal reasons. AllianzGI TCFD Report 2021 31

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