01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 02.2 Sustainability research Principle 7 The Research team strategy and roadmap Example of how we collaborate on biodiversity are built around the interconnections between the Sustainability teams and across the investment platform. This is Example: biodiversity driven by a collaborative approach to Triggers/drivers: priority topics, as illustrated by the • Biodiversity COP 15 outputs from our focus on biodiversity • Emerging nature disclosure standards shown on the right. Fully scoping sustainability themes enables us to identify and assess speci昀椀c impact and relevance to di昀昀erent industries. Framing and prioritisation of biodiversity topic Detailed thematic understanding has been critical in our classi昀椀cation of the materiality of sustainability factors for Cross-team synergies and collaborations each sector. This process also provides an e昀케cient way to focus on the most relevant factors for our issuer assessments. At the same time, our issuer research helps us to monitor evolving practices in Tools & Thematic Sector Issuer Investment di昀昀erent sectors, allowing us to frame Methodologies Research Research Research Engagement Policies leading and lagging standards in our sector frameworks, which can inform our understanding of standards at a thematic level. Determine relevant Joint research paper KPIs identi昀椀ed are Engagement Stewardship team Allianz Global biodiversity KPIs with with Stewardship included into the output integrated focuses on targeted Investors Biodiversity SMA team team to share sector frameworks for into company engagement for seven Policy Statement our engagement seven highly a昀昀ected assessments most a昀昀ected sectors published in approach industry sectors collaboration with SSI team Key: SMA – Sustainability, Methodologies & Analytics team SSI – Sustainability, Standards & Integration team Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 24