01 Our vision of 02 Sustainable 03 Active 04 Strengthening sustainability 05 Appendices sustainability investing stewardship in our operations 03.9 Transparently managing conflicts of interest Principle 3 7 Con昀氀ict type Description and approach taken to manage con昀氀icts of interest Voting shares of our Context: parent company AllianzGI is owned by Allianz, a global insurance and 昀椀nancial group. Several of our funds may invest in Allianz securities. A potential con昀氀ict of interest arises between the interest of these funds and those of our parent company when voting on our shares. Mitigating policies and procedures: While research, analysis and alignment follow the usual processes, we instituted procedures to make sure that shares of our parent company are voted in the best interest of our clients. AllianzGI has also imposed strict controls and information barriers designed to insulate our decision- making process from improper in昀氀uence and to ensure that we are able to carry out our investment decisions and stewardship activities in a manner consistent with the interests of our clients. In particular, all suggested proxy voting decisions are directed to the Proxy Voting Committee for review and decision-making that ensures that our 昀椀duciary duties are respected. Voting shares of our Context: main distribution We may invest in a company that is also a signi昀椀cant distributor of partner our products. Mitigating policies and procedures: While research, analysis and alignment follow the usual processes, we instituted procedures to make sure that shares of a key distributor we are invested in are voted in the best interest of our clients. In the case of a signi昀椀cant “against” vote in line with our proxy voting policy recommendation, and considering the size of our holdings, the vote proposal would be directed to the Proxy Voting Committee for review and decision-making to ensure that we comply with our 昀椀duciary duties. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 72