Contents 01 Our vision of sustainability 02 Sustainable investing 03 Active stewardship 04 Str engthening sustainability 01.1 Introducing Allianz Global Investors 02.1 Delivering change 03.1 Developing our in our operations 01.2 About this report 02.2 Sustainability research engagement strategy 04.1 Strengthening sustainability 01.3 What sustainability means to us 02.3 Sustainability methodologies 03.2 How we engage in our operations 01.4 A year of achievements and analytics 03.3 Engagement in numbers 04.2 Creating an inclusive and 01.5 Our ambition for 2024 02.4 Climate-related risks 03.4 Engagement outcomes supportive workplace and opportunities 03.5 Collaborative engagements 04.3 Ensuring responsible 02.5 Sustainability risk management 03.6 Industry engagement business conduct 02.6 Sustainable investing categories and commitments 04.4 Managing the environmental 02.7 Looking ahead: sustainable investing 03.7 Escalating engagement concerns impact of our operations 03.8 Exercising our voting rights 04.5 Driving our corporate citizenship 03.9 Transparently managing con昀氀icts 04.6 Looking ahead: strengthening of interest sustainability in our operations 03.10 Looking ahead: active stewardship 05 Appendices 05.1 UK Stewardship Code index 05.2 Engagements 05.3 Sustainability initiatives overview Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023 01