Appointment Segregated mandates Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle SAM 13 CORE OO 12, OO 5.1 N/A PUBLIC Segregated mandates 4 When setting up segregated mandates with external managers, which responsible investment clauses did your organisation, or the investment consultants acting on your behalf, include in your current contractual agreements? (Indicate the proportion of your AUM invested in segregated funds to which each of these requirements applies, regardless of when you appointed your different external managers.) (A) The manager's commitment to follow our responsible investment strategy in the (3) for a minority of our AUM management of our assets invested in segregated mandates (B) The manager's commitment to incorporate material ESG factors into its (2) for the majority of our AUM investment and stewardship activities invested in segregated mandates (2) for the majority of our AUM (C) Exclusion list(s) invested in segregated mandates (D) Responsible investment communication and reporting obligations, including on (3) for a minority of our AUM stewardship activities and results invested in segregated mandates (E) Stewardship commitments in line with the PRI's guidance and focused on (3) for a minority of our AUM seeking sustainability outcomes and prioritising common goals and collaborative invested in segregated mandates action (F) Where applicable, commitment to fulfil a clear policy on security lending aligned (4) for none of our AUM with our own security lending policy or with the ICGN Securities Lending Code of invested in segregated mandates Best Practice (1) for all of our AUM invested (G) Incentives and controls to ensure alignment of interests in segregated mandates (H) Commitments on climate-related disclosure in line with internationally (4) for none of our AUM recognised frameworks such as the TCFD invested in segregated mandates (4) for none of our AUM (I) If applicable, commitment to disclose against the EU Taxonomy invested in segregated mandates 94

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