Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Identify sustainability ISP 44.1 CORE ISP 44 N/A PUBLIC 1 outcomes At what level(s) did your organisation identify the sustainability outcomes from its activities? ☐ (A) At the asset level ☐ (B) At the economic activity level ☑ (C) At the company level ☐ (D) At the sector level ☐ (E) At the country/region level ☐ (F) At the global level ☑ (G) Other level(s), please specify: asset class level ☐ (H) We do not track at what level(s) our sustainability outcomes were identified Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Identify sustainability ISP 45 CORE ISP 43 SO 1 PUBLIC 1 outcomes How has your organisation determined your most important sustainability outcome objectives? ☑ (A) Identifying sustainability outcomes that are closely linked to our core investment activities ☐ (B) Consulting with key clients and/or beneficiaries to align with their priorities ☑ (C) Assessing the potential severity (e.g. probability and amplitude) of specific negative outcomes over different timeframes ☑ (D) Focusing on the potential for systemic impacts (e.g. due to high level of interconnectedness with other global challenges) ☐ (E) Evaluating the potential for certain outcome objectives to act as a catalyst/enabler to achieve a broad range of goals (e.g. gender or education) ☐ (F) Analysing the input from different stakeholders (e.g. affected communities, civil society or similar) ☐ (G) Understanding the geographical relevance of specific sustainability outcome objectives ☑ (H) Other method, please specify: availability and quality of data ☐ (I) We have not yet determined our most important sustainability outcome objectives 75

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