Fundraising Commitments to investors Type of Indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle indicator INF 2 CORE N/A N/A PUBLIC Commitments to investors 1, 4 For all of your funds that you closed during the reporting year, what type of formal responsible investment commitments did you make in Limited Partnership Agreements (LPAs) or side letters? (If you did not close any funds during this reporting year, refer to the last reporting year in which you did close funds.) ☑ (A) We incorporated responsible investment commitments in LPAs as a standard, default procedure ☐ (B) We added responsible investment commitments in LPAs upon client request ☐ (C) We added responsible investment commitments in side letters upon client request ☐ (D) We did not make any formal responsible investment commitments for the relevant reporting year ☐ (E) Not applicable as we have never raised funds ☐ (F) Not applicable as we have not raised funds in the last 5 years Pre-investment phase Materiality analysis Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle INF 3 CORE N/A INF 3.1 PUBLIC Materiality analysis 1 During the reporting year, how did you conduct ESG materiality analysis for your potential infrastructure investments? (1) for all of our potential (A) We assessed materiality at the asset level, as each case is unique infrastructure investments (3) for a minority of our (B) We performed a mix of industry-level and asset-level materiality analysis potential infrastructure investments (4) for none of our potential (C) We assessed materiality at the industry level only infrastructure investments 137

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