Engaging policymakers Type of Dependent PRI Indicator Gateway to Disclosure Subsection indicator on Principle Multiple, see Engaging ISP 23 CORE N/A PUBLIC 2 guidance policymakers How does your organisation, or the external investment managers or service providers acting on your behalf, engage with policymakers for a more sustainable financial system? ☑ (A) We engage with policymakers directly ☑ (B) We provide financial support, are members of and/or are in another way affiliated with third-party organisations, including trade associations and non-profit organisations, that engage with policymakers ☐ (C) We do not engage with policymakers directly or indirectly Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle ISP 23.1 CORE ISP 23 N/A PUBLIC Engaging policymakers 2 What methods do you, or the external investment managers or service providers acting on your behalf, use to engage with policymakers for a more sustainable financial system? ☑ (A) We participate in "sign-on" letters on ESG policy topics. Describe: Not during the reporting year 2020 ☑ (B) We respond to policy consultations on ESG policy topics. Describe: Recent examples here are our responses to the European Commission’s consultation on Taxonomy, Ecolabel, as well as the consultation by the Hong Kong SFC on the management and disclosure of climate -related risks by fund managers. ☑ (C) We provide technical input on ESG policy change. Describe: Members of staff participate in various working- and expert groups set up by legislators and regulators specifically for this purpose. ☑ (D) We proactively engage financial regulators on financial regulatory topics regarding ESG integration, stewardship, disclosure or similar. Describe: We regularly engage with financial regulators in meetings on these topics, most notably with ESMA, ESRB, BaFIN and other national regulators. ☑ (E) We proactively engage regulators and policymakers on other policy topics. Describe: We also regularly engage with regulators and policy makers on topics of financial markets regulation which support or embed sustainable finance legislation in the framework which governs our business as an asset manager ☐ (F) Other methods used to engage with policymakers. Describe: 55

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