Indicator Type of indicator Dependent on Gateway to Disclosure Subsection PRI Principle ISP 23.2 CORE ISP 23 N/A PUBLIC Engaging policymakers 2 Do you have governance processes in place (e.g. board accountability and oversight, regular monitoring and review of relationships) that ensure your policy activities, including those through third parties, are aligned with your position on sustainable finance and your commitment to the 6 Principles of the PRI? ◉ (A) Yes, we have governance processes in place to ensure that our policy activities are aligned with our position on sustainable finance and our commitment to the 6 Principles of the PRI. Describe your governance processes: Allianz Global Investors is managed by our Executive Committee. With respect to all investment matters, the responsibility for ensuring our approach is designed to meet our obligations to our clients rests with the Investment Executive Committee, comprised of the firm’s senior investment leadership. The Compliance and Independent Enterprise Risk Management functions provide further governance oversight by regularly evaluating our processes and reviewing decisions to ensure that we have taken appropriate actions. ○ (B) No, we do not have these governance processes in place. Please explain why not: Engaging policymakers – Policies Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Engaging policymakers – ISP 24 CORE ISP 23 ISP 24.1 PUBLIC 2 Policies Do you have policies in place that ensure that your political influence as an organisation is aligned with your position on sustainable finance and your commitment to the 6 Principles of the PRI? ◉ (A) Yes, we have a policy(ies) in place. Describe your policy(ies): Alignment with Sustainable Investment Team takes place in connection with all policy engagement activities, either before meetings with legislators and policymakers or when preparing written feedback, e.g. on public consultations ○ (B) No, we do not a policy(ies) in place. Please explain why not: 56

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