Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Engaging policymakers – ISP 24.1 CORE ISP 24 N/A PUBLIC 2 Policies Is your policy that ensures alignment between your political influence and your position on sustainable finance publicly disclosed? ○ (A) Yes. Add link(s): ◉ (B) No, we do not publicly disclose this policy(ies) Engaging policymakers – Transparency Type of Dependent Gateway PRI Indicator Disclosure Subsection indicator on to Principle Engaging policymakers – ISP 25 CORE ISP 23 N/A PUBLIC 2 Transparency During the reporting year, did your organisation publicly disclose your policy engagement activities or those conducted on your behalf by external investment managers/service providers? ☐ (A) We publicly disclosed details of our policy engagement activities. Add link(s): ☐ (B) We publicly disclosed a list of our third-party memberships in or support for trade associations, think-tanks or similar that conduct policy engagement activities with our support or endorsement. Add link(s): ☑ (C) No, we did not publicly disclose our policy engagements activities during the reporting year. Explain why: Such policy engagement activities and engagement with policymakers and regulators is often informal. Our consultation responses are however generally public and as such disclosed by the consulting organizations. ☐ (D) Not applicable, we did not conduct policy engagement activities 57

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