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01 04.5 Managing the environmental impact Introduction of our operations 02 Sustainable investing 03 As part of our commitment to a Reducing GHG emissions GHG emissions Active stewardship sustainable future, we manage the Our carbon reduction strategy is designed to reduce environmental impacts of our operations GHG emissions from material sources, namely energy GHG emissions 04 use for office buildings and IT, business travel and paper tons of GHG per employee AllianzGI as a sustainable business and aim to be a role model in delivering use. The strategy focuses on energy-efficient planning, 04.1 B uilding our approach to our own targets on climate change and construction and operation of buildings, sourcing green 2021 0.9 sustainable investing the environment. Our efforts contribute electricity and using carbon-efficient vehicles. 04.2 Developing a shared vision for 2020 2.1 inclusion and diversity to Allianz goals, including working Allianz has committed to set long-term climate targets 04.3 P romoting employee health towards sourcing 100% renewable for its business operations in line with the science 20191 3.9 and wellbeing in a hybrid underpinning the Paris Agreement climate goal. In work environment electricity for our operations by 2023 2020, it set GHG emission targets to 2025 in line with Reducing energy consumption 04.4 Business conduct and and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) the latest climate science. AllianzGI has committed operational risk management emissions by 38% per employee by to reduce GHG emissions by 38% per employee by Our 2025 target is to reduce energy consumption in our 04.5 Managing the environmental 2025 (against a 2019 baseline) across Scope 1, 2 and office buildings by 10% per employee compared with impact of our operations 2025 against a 2019 baseline. selected Scope 3 emissions (covering energy-related 2019. In 2021, we achieved a 22% reduction (2020: 9%). 04.6 Corporate citizenship emissions, business travel and paper use). This was mainly due to energy-saving initiatives such Environmental management systems as installation of occupancy sensors and refurbishment 05 We apply the Allianz environmental management Our impacts in 2021 activities as well as increased remote working. Appendix system (EMS), which provides clear standards and By the end of 2021, AllianzGI achieved a 77% reduction controls, supports environmental data collection, in GHG emissions per employee (2020: 46%), mainly Energy consumption and promotes transparent reporting of environmental as a result of increasing our use of renewable power, gigajoules per employee impacts across the Group. EMS guides the monitoring improved energy management and reduced business and management of our carbon footprint, use of travel. We expect to include GHG emissions from flexible 2021 16.1 energy and natural resources such as water, and and hybrid working within scope of our future reporting efforts to reduce waste. Implementation of the EMS to reflect infrastructure changes as the way we work 2020 18.7 is monitored by the Group Environmental Officer continues to evolve. (part of Global Sustainability) and supported by Read more about the Allianz approach to tackling 2019 20.6 the Board of Management of Allianz. We apply climate change targeted environmental management system (EMS) processes, certified to ISO14001 standard, to improve environmental management governance practices at our major locations. 1 GHG emissions data (old absolute: 3.5 tonnes) has been restated for 2019.

Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 - Page 71 Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 Page 70 Page 72