01 03.5 Influencing companies through proxy voting continued Principles 7 12 Introduction 02 Sustainable investing 03 Breakdown of proxy voting by country Active stewardship 03.1 Our engagement approach Total percentage votes against all management proposals by location in 2021 03.2 Engagement outcomes by theme 03.3 Collaborative engagements 03.4 E scalation where initial engagement is not enough 03.5 Influencing companies through US Japan Italy Hong Kong France Belgium Switzerland Taiwan Germany China Netherlands Spain Sweden UK proxy voting 40% 32% 32% 25% 20% 20% 18% 18% 17% 15% 12% 11% 10% 4% 03.6 Conflicts of interest 03.7 Industry engagement and commitments Total percentage votes against compensation-related proposals by location 2021 04 AllianzGI as a sustainable business 05 Appendix Hong Kong US Belgium Italy China Spain Germany Netherlands Sweden Taiwan France Switzerland UK Japan 95% 84% 59% 51% 48% 43% 38% 36% 32% 29% 24% 22% 20% 17% Total percentage votes against director-related proposals by location 2021 Italy Japan Hong Kong US Taiwan France Germany Switzerland Belgium China Sweden Netherlands Spain UK 49% 35% 29% 28% 23% 22% 16% 16% 16% 15% 11% 10% 6% 5% Source: AllianzGI proxy voting data.

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