01 04.3 Promoting employee health and wellbeing Introduction in a hybrid work environment 02 Sustainable investing 03 We strive to provide a caring work Supporting flexible working at home Active stewardship environment where employees have and abroad the support they need to succeed. AllianzGI has offered employees the opportunity to work 04 flexibly in terms of time or place for several years. During AllianzGI as a sustainable business We also empower our colleagues the pandemic, we put measures in place to ensure safe 04.1 B uilding our approach to to balance work, career development office working where this was permitted. Our flexible sustainable investing and personal priorities through working arrangements proved to be robust with a crisis 04.2 Developing a shared vision for team set up to co-ordinate our approach, including inclusion and diversity wide-ranging initiatives. how to: 04.3 Promoting employee health Our holistic approach to health incorporates mental, and wellbeing in a hybrid • Work when we are most productive. work environment social and physical wellbeing. We consider the causes 04.4 Business conduct and of stress and depression to promote good mental health • Work when and where we have fewer distractions. operational risk management and offer advice on topics such as nutrition, sleep or • Avoid peak commute times and/or reduce them. 04.5 Managing the environmental managing work-life balance. impact of our operations Measures are implemented globally, regionally and • Reduce work-life conflicts and stress. 04.6 Corporate citizenship locally to enable employees to manage their work- • Reduce our environmental footprint. 05 related responsibilities and personal circumstances, • Support business continuity in the event of disruptions Appendix including: in the workplace. • Our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) offers Building on our existing policy covering flexible working free and confidential support for employees and their within the country of employment, and subject to families to deal with problems such as those related a set of rules to ensure compliance with local and to mental health, substance abuse, stress, grief, international tax, social security and immigration relationships and financial matters. regulations, we have amended our global guidelines • Our new Health and Wellbeing Hub is a one-stop- to give employees the opportunity to work abroad for shop for tips, resources and events to nurture a up to 25 days in a calendar year. healthy mind, body and overall self – both at work and outside of work.

Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 - Page 67 Allianz GI Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 Page 66 Page 68