01 01.6 Shaping sustainable investing with our clients continued Principle 6 Introduction 01.1 In conversation with Tobias Pross and Matt Christensen 01.2 About AllianzGI Creating real impact in private markets 01.3 What sustainable investing Shaping pathways for a sustainable future With Allianz SE, we have committed to measurably means to us reduce the carbon footprint of our real assets portfolio 01.4 Acting on climate risks Helping our largest by growing our share in low GHG-emitting assets and opportunities client on its path and engaging with the companies we are invested in 01.5 Sustainability governance on decarbonisation. AllianzGI is also co-developing 01.6 Shaping sustainable investing to net zero dedicated impact investment strategies that foster the with our clients energy transition in developed and developing markets, 02 often partnering with global development banks Sustainable investing Managing over EUR 200 billion for our and organisations. shareholder, AllianzGI is a key partner in helping In November 2021, together with the International 03 Allianz to reach its ambitions across public and Finance Corporation and Hong Kong Monetary Active stewardship private markets. As one of the world’s leading insurance companies and a founding member Authority, AllianzGI set up the world’s first cross-sectoral 04 of the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, Allianz portfolio of emerging-markets loans aligned with the AllianzGI as a sustainable business is pursuing ambitious sustainability targets for Paris Agreement. The strategy supports the IFC and its entire business. As one of several interim Allianz Group in making 1.5°C-aligned investments in 05 emerging markets. AllianzGI also announced at the Appendix goals, we are working with Allianz to reach a UN Climate Conference in Glasgow the launch of a new decarbonisation target of -25% greenhouse gas strategy – a public-private partnership that will invest emissions by the end of 2024 across listed equity in climate-focused private equity funds and projects and corporate bond investments that AllianzGI active in emerging markets and developing countries manages on behalf of Allianz, and by the end with a focus on climate mitigation, climate adaptation, of 2025 for infrastructure equity investments. and access to electricity. Our third-party clients will Allianz and AllianzGI are on track to achieve benefit from this commitment through the co-investment the interim goal of -25% without withdrawing opportunities that exist with Allianz. capital from hard-to-abate sectors. This is just a first step. We continue to engage with borrowers and partners to further increase the scope of assets and construct long-term portfolios and commitments to fulfil higher decarbonisation goals beyond 2025.

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