01 Introduction 02 Workplace 03 Workforce 04 Marketplace 05 Next steps 02.5 Breaking taboos: talking about cancer, menopause and mental health World Menopause Day Mental Health Day Breaking down stigma and creating We took a closer look at the intersection of an inclusive environment starts with mental health and inclusion in 2022 during knowledge. 75% of those who go through Mental Health Day. Coach and mental health menopause experience symptoms expert Janice Benning gave us an overview such as insomnia, fatigue or hot flushes on the mental health issues which various –to mention a few of the impacts. majority and minority groups might face at Social stigma and misunderstanding can work and how we can collectively reduce increase the burden on women. To help stigma, support people and create a safe educate on the topic of menopause, environment. 200+ colleagues attended this we created an educational brochure on What really surprises and bespoke webinar on the intersection of mental menopause symptoms and useful insights health and inclusion. explaining why it is a topic to be aware sometimes even shocks of in the workplace. We explored how me personally, is that even menopause is regarded across cultures – when speaking to other for example, in some regions it represents the transformation into more powerful women about my problems versions of ourselves while in others it during menopause, they can have negative connotations. don’t want to hear about it. It is still such a taboo subject (not only in the workplace). We need to make this what it is, 75% a normal stage in every of those who go through woman’s life.” 200+ menopause experience Natascha Körber (She/Her/Hers) colleagues attended a bespoke symptoms such as insomnia, Team assistant webinar on the intersection of fatigue or hot flushes. mental health and inclusion. Allianz Global Investors Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Report 2022 13

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