EuRoSIf EuRopEaN SRI TRaNSpaRENcy coDE - DEcEmbER 2021 2) GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY 2.1) Name of the fund management company 2.3) How does the company formalise that manages the applicant funds its sustainable investment process? allianz Global Investors GmbH,, an More information can be found on our website: investment company with limited liability, incorporated in Germany, with its registered office at bockenheimer In the section Key policy Documents various policy docu- Landstrasse 42-44, 60323 frankfurt/m, registered with the ments can be found, such as our Sustainability Risk mana- local court of frankfurt/m under number HRb 9340 and gement policy Statement, our Stewardship Statement and authorised by bundesanstalt für finanzdienstleistungsauf- our Global corporate Governance Guidelines. sicht ( 2.2) What are the company’s track record 2.4) How are ESG risks and opportunities – and principles when it comes to integrating including those linked to climate change SRI into its processes? understood/taken into account by company? allianzGI's experience in sustainable investing spans more We recognize that understanding material ESG risks and than 20 years. Since the inception of our first sustainable early identification of long-term investment opportunities investment strategy in 1999, our number of sustainable could lead to lower risk profiles for our investments and products had increased to 150 by the end of 2021, up from couldbe a source of alpha to our clients. allianzGI believes 36 at the end of 2020. We made considerable progress in that ESG factors such as climate change risk may impact the 2021, developing new sustainable investment products and future performance of assets. furthermore, we are convinced that the value added from a sustainable investment can innovative analytical tools and methods to aggregate and only be fully capitalized through an active investment process data from third-party providers and alternative management approach. our approach comprises ESG risk data sources, informing our proprietary sustainability sco- assessment and active stewardship. ring system. To achieve all of this, we built out the resources and organisational structure of our Sustainable and Impact for more information we refer to allianzGI Sustainability Investing team to advance our strategy and support data, Risk management policy and allianzGI climate Risk State- research and stewardship activities. ment, which can be found in the Key policy Documents & Reports section of our website: our approach is applied across different asset classes (fixed Income, equities and multi asset) and covers equities, eypolicydocumentsandreports bonds and sovereigns across the globe. at allianzGI, our Sustainable product categories aim to build sustainable portfolios using an assessment of E, S & G practices and 2.5) How many employees are directly values in the investment analysis and portfolio construc- involved in the company’s sustainable tion processes to deliver sustainable financial returns. The investment activity? Sustainability Research team is specialized on the specific ESG issues that impact businesses. This means they have There are 187 employees involved: 33 fTEs within the Sustai- the expertise necessary to identify and track key ESG nable and Impact Investment team. furthermore, there are issues impacting the issuers in their sectors. This approach additional 154 fTEs managing funds categorized as article ensures that we are not overly reliant on external research 8 or 9 according to the Eu SfDR. please not that these providers and sell-side ESG brokers, enabling us to gene- fTEs do not solely manage sustainable strategies but may rate independent and differentiated insights into ESG topics simultaneously also manage non-sustainable strategies. ahead of the market. We combine ESG analysis with robust stewardship to help 2.6) Is the company involved in any improve the risk profile of investments and steer companies RI initiatives? towards greater and more sustainable long-term profita- bility. This encourages investee companies to adopt better a full overview of allianzGI’s Sustainability Initiatives and business models and business behaviours. memberships can be found in the Key policy Documents More information can be found on our website: & Reports section of our website: ments#keypolicydocumentsandreports 9