EuRoSIf EuRopEaN SRI TRaNSpaRENcy coDE - DEcEmbER 2021 STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT Sustainable and Responsible Investing is an essential part January 2021 to December 2021. our full response to the of the strategic positioning and behavior of allianz Global European SRI Transparency code can be accessed below Investors (allianzGI). We have been involved in SRI since and is available in the annual report of the retail funds 2000 and welcome the European SRI Transparency code. and on our website. This is our statement of commitment covering the period COMPLIANCE WITH THE TRANSPARENCY CODE allianzGI is committed to transparency and we believe that which we operate. allianzGI meets the full recommenda- we are as transparent as possible given the regulatory tions of the European SRI Transparency code. and competitive environments that exist in the countries in 1) LIST OF FUNDS COVERED BY THE CODE Name Dominant/ Asset Exclusion Fund capital Other Links of the fund preferred class* standards as at 31 Dec labels SRI strategy and norms Allianz best-in-class, bonds and other - controversial weapons EuR Advanced Norms-based debt securities - Tobacco - arms - Human rights - 2,83 bn de/pro/unsere- Fixed Income Screening, Labour rights - co2 intensive fonds/fonds/list/allianz-advan- Euro Engagement (incl. coal) - uN Global compact ced-fixed-income-euro-a-eur & Voting, - oEcD Guidelines for mNcs Exclusions - ILo conventions Allianz best-in-class, - controversial weapons EuR Advanced Norms-based bonds - Tobacco - arms - Human rights 1,68 bn Fixed Income Screening, and other - Labour rights - co2 intensive de/pro/unsere- Short Engagement debt securities (incl. coal) - uN Global compact fonds/fonds/list/allianz-advan- Duration & Voting, - oEcD Guidelines for mNcs ced-fixed-income-short-dura- Exclusions - ILo conventions tion-a-eur Allianz best-in-class, International - controversial weapons - alcohol EuR Strategiefonds Norms-based shares - Tobacco - arms - Human rights 1,46 bn Wachstum Plus Screening, - Labour rights - Gambling Engagement - pornography - co2 intensive de/pro/unsere- & Voting, (incl. coal) - Genetic Engineering fonds/fonds/list/allianz-strate- Exclusions - uN Global compact - oEcD giefonds-wachstum-plus-a-eur Guidelines for mNcs - ILo conventions - other: artic drilling, Hydraulic fracturing, oil sands Allianz Euro best-in-class, bonds - controversial weapons EuR Rentenfonds Norms-based and other - Tobacco - arms - Human rights 1,17 bn de/pro/unsere- Screening, debt securities - Labour rights - co2 intensive fonds/fonds/list/allianz-euro- Engagement (incl. coal) - uN Global compact rentenfonds-a-eur & Voting, - oEcD Guidelines for mNcs Exclusions - ILo conventions Allianz Euro best-in-class, multi asset - controversial weapons EuR Balanced Norms-based - Tobacco - arms - Human rights 1,11 bn gb/pro/our- Screening, - Labour rights - co2 intensive funds/funds/list/allianz-euro- Engagement (incl. coal) - uN Global compact balanced-i2-eur & Voting, - oEcD Guidelines for mNcs Exclusions - ILo conventions Allianz best-in-class, bonds - controversial weapons EuR Rentenfonds Norms-based and other - Tobacco - arms - Human rights 1,28 bn de/pro/unsere- Screening, debt securities - Labour rights - co2 intensive fonds/fonds/list/allianz-renten- Engagement (incl. coal) - uN Global compact fonds-a-eur & Voting, - oEcD Guidelines for mNcs Exclusions - ILo conventions * (all assets in scope are actively managed). 3