Welcome 02 AllianzGI as a sustainable business Shaping pathways to a sustainable future 03 What sustainable investing Trust in our company is based on the Workplace: Building a work culture that Fostering employee health and wellbeing means to us 04 enhances psychological safety integrity, resilience and competency We strive to provide a caring work environment where Acting on climate risks of how we do business as well as on 2021 was a year of significant organisational change our employees are supported to balance work, career and opportunities 05 as we managed the impacts of the pandemic and development and personal priorities. We consider the our culture and how it is brought to built strong foundations for a more inclusive workplace causes of stress and depression so that we can promote Sustainable investing 06 life by all colleagues. We are shaping culture. We introduced Rungway, an online platform good mental health, and offer advice on topics such as Active stewardship 08 our pathway to a more sustainable offering a safe space for colleagues to seek advice nutrition, sleep or managing work-life balance. future by focusing on our own and help from others. We also revamped our anti- Our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) offers Collaborative engagement 09 harassment and anti-discrimination policy and training, free and confidential support for employees and operations in addition to those of the which will be implemented globally in 2022. their families and the new Health and Wellbeing Influencing companies companies we invest in. Workforce: Attracting, developing and retaining Hub provides resources to nurture a healthy mind, through proxy voting 10 a diverse range of people body and self. AllianzGI as a Promoting inclusive meritocracy – We aim to attract and develop a large variety of talents sustainable business 11 where people and performance matter to grow the diversity of our employees at all levels, Prompting flexible work opportunities Inclusive meritocracy describes a corporate culture including senior leadership, paying special attention to We refreshed global guidelines for flexible working of mutual trust and respect, empowerment and gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability. in 2021, having offered employees the opportunity to collaboration. The Inclusive Meritocracy Index (IMIX) – a work flexibly in terms of time or place for several years. key index in our annual employee engagement survey – We have reached 50:50 male to female representation Subject to compliance with local and international measures the progress we are making across 10 aspects in the ExCo while at other levels we still have work to tax, social security and immigration regulations, covering leadership, performance and corporate do. In line with Allianz Group’s targets for 2024, our employees can now work abroad for up to 25 days in culture. Our 2021 employee survey showed positive ambition is to achieve a global female representation a calendar year. developments with a +6% improved IMIX score. of a minimum of 30% across all senior levels. The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted us to extend Developing a shared vision for inclusion Marketplace: Embedding I&D in our wider our focus beyond how work should be done to and diversity social purpose look at what is needed for people to be happy and Our focus on inclusion and diversity (I&D) shapes Our firm can be a powerful force in increasing productive. Alongside our parent company Allianz, we how we work and serve our large and varied client investment in assets, products and businesses that help have launched “Ways of Working” (WOW) – a global base. An inclusive culture can contribute to improved the world become more sustainable and equitable. This framework designed to ensure that Allianz possesses investment performance and create long-term value third pillar of our I&D strategy is about leveraging our the characteristics that will be needed for future growth. Read the full story in for our clients and society. I&D values to strengthen our positive impact on society. our Sustainability and We will develop our strategic approach in this area in Stewardship 2021. Our I&D strategy is led by our Executive Committee the coming years to build on the many initiatives already (ExCo) and delivered by working groups of employees in place. across our locations. It focuses on three key pillars – Workplace, Workforce and Marketplace – to create meaningful change and embed I&D behaviours into our business.

Executive summary - Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 - Page 11 Executive summary - Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2021 Page 10 Page 12