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01 03.2 A network of I&D champions Our commitment to I&D 02 Accelerating our business transformation 03 We also collaborate with global Allianz Our I&D strategy and priorities Group employee networks, such as: 04 Allianz NEO (Networking, Engagement, Our progress in 2021 Opportunities) – promotes equality between – Workplace people of all gender identities and expressions, – Workforce Local I&D working with all employees invited to be part of – Marketplace groups and the discussion. champions Allianz Pride – promotes an open-minded corporate culture that values diversity, regardless of gender or sexual orientation We are developing a network of and creates a working environment free local working groups that help from discrimination. drive and embed our I&D agenda. Allianz Beyond – focuses on people with Members come together regularly disabilities and builds understanding of to identify areas for improvement the challenges our colleagues may face, and develop local action plans seeking to remove any barriers to inclusion. to deliver the highest value for us Allianz Engage – engages with people of and our clients. all ages in creating an environment that embraces and promotes the value people of different ages and at different life stages bring. Allianz GRACE (Global Race and Cultural Ethnicity network) – raises awareness and understanding of the topic of racial equality, cultural differences and inspires to create a level playing field for disadvantage communities. AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 12

Inclusion & Diversity Report - Page 13 Inclusion & Diversity Report Page 12 Page 14