01 03.1 Our I&D strategy Our commitment to I&D 02 Accelerating our business transformation Guided by our business strategy, our 03 I&D strategy is organised across three Our I&D vision Our I&D purpose Our I&D strategy and priorities key pillars – Workplace, Workforce Active is: I&D shapes how we work and serve 04 and Marketplace. Under these pillars, Our progress in 2021 Succeeding as yourself. our clients and communities. – Workplace we have set five priorities for the next – Workforce year (or in the medium term) to help The three pillars: Current priorities: – Marketplace our workforce thrive, by looking at diversity through the interconnected 1. Workplace: 1. Build a safe work culture and a healthy and overlapping perspectives of How does it feel workplace: enhance psychological safety and gender identity, disability, race and to work for us ? wellbeing through relevant practices, policies, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age and tools, trainings and communication social background. 2. Understand the employee experience and We view I&D challenges through an intersectional engagement through an I&D lens: collect lens because none of us should be defined by just and analyse diversity data and feedback one facet of our identity. We must be sensitive to throughout the employee lifecycle discrimination against the different elements of a person’s identity. 2. Workforce: 3. Attract and develop a wide variety of talent Who do we recruit to grow the diversity of our workforce at and grow ? all levels, including senior management, paying special attention to gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability 3. Marketplace: 4. Embed I&D in our investment and How do we serve our sustainability activities to serve our social purpose ? social purpose 5. Expand our activities to serve additional social objectives beyond financial literacy AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 11

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