01 02.2 Keeping our colleagues safe and engaged during the pandemic Our commitment to I&D 02 Accelerating our business transformation 03 pandemic. We also provided managers with Our I&D strategy and priorities 2021 was a year of FAQs to help them manage remote working 04 significant change teams, promoted our Employee Assistance 87% Our progress in 2021 Programmes, and held weekly feedback polls – Workplace as we continued to on our intranet, to help strengthen employee of employees agree that our company – Workforce listening and enable effective communications. communicated clear policies and guidelines – Marketplace manage the impacts to assist employees during the pandemic and of the pandemic To maintain real-time engagement between that our company is responding appropriately employees and management, we held to the Covid-19 crisis. and strengthen our regular “Ask the ExCo” webcasts, a platform for live interaction where colleagues can ask (source 2021 AllianzGI Engagement Survey) foundations for a questions of our Executive Committee. This was more inclusive underpinned by a “coronavirus microsite” on our intranet housing all the information and support workplace culture. available to colleagues – from travel advice to health and wellbeing resources. We refreshed global guidelines for flexible To keep teams and individuals connected while working having offered the opportunity to remote working, we launched a number of work flexibly in terms of time and place for initiatives, including: several years. Employees can now apply to work • Employeegram – a Group-wide Instagram- abroad for up to 25 days per calendar year. style channel for sharing pictures and During the pandemic, we put measures in starting conversations place to ensure safe office working. We also • Random Virtual Coffee App – launched developed tools and resources to support our globally to help our colleagues colleagues, keep them connected and help stay connected them navigate the personal challenges we all face. To support employee wellbeing while • Virtual yoga and mindfulness sessions – working from home, we published an internal to support employee health and guide on living and working well during the mental wellbeing AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 09

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