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01 04.2 Workforce Our commitment to I&D Attracting and developing a diverse workforce 02 Accelerating our business transformation Raising our gender equality ambitions 03 In line with Allianz Group’s Our I&D strategy and priorities Gender equality is under 50/50 targets for 2024, our ambition 04 male-female representation in the ExCo is to achieve a global female Our progress in 2021 increasing scrutiny in – Workplace the asset management We are proud to have exceeded our ambitions representation of: – Workforce and to have reached 50:50 male to female – Marketplace industry. Clients, investors representation in our Executive Committee (ExCo) but we still have work to do at a lower and consultants want level. Special efforts will be needed to re-balance 30% to know more about the status quo due to increasing competition for female talent in the asset management industry, minimum at all senior levels our gender balance and limited availability in the external talent pool and low turnover rates. The historically low proportion our plans and actions to of female employees, especially at senior levels, accelerate progress. means more intentional management and accountability is needed from all managers to Since we established our gender equality improve gender balance in our organisation. ambitions in 2017, we have developed actions across the employment cycle by systematically reviewing our recruitment, talent management and reward practices through an I&D lens. AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 27

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