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01 04.3 Marketplace Our commitment to I&D Serving our social purpose 02 Accelerating our business transformation 03 Our I&D strategy and priorities “An example of our involvement with the 30% 04 Club is our engagement of a French reinsurance Our progress in 2021 – Workplace company which had a disconnect between the – Workforce percentage of women in the workforce (47%) – Marketplace and their representation at management/ executive positions (30% in management positions, 19% in senior executive positions, Marie-Sybille Connan Senior Stewardship Analyst, and 10% at Executive Committee level). AllianzGI We engaged with the company’s board of directors in early 2021 and encouraged the company to develop a female talent pipeline. During the engagement, the Board decided to set a target of 20% women at the Group Executive Committee by 2021 (an objective it has reached) and 30% by 2025. We also noted the decision taken by the company to join the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), reinforcing as such its commitment towards gender equity.” AllianzGI Inclusion and Diversity Report 2021 43

Inclusion & Diversity Report - Page 44 Inclusion & Diversity Report Page 43 Page 45