2024 ambition Our actions Looking ahead is vital. Helping clients understand Here’s how we are Changing political agenda climate risk shaping an evolving A record election year could lead to delays in the 昀椀nancing and Our risklab advisory team examines how sustainability environment. implementation of transition plans. di昀昀erent climate scenarios could impact portfolio returns. Biodiversity takes centre stage Connecting climate Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures and Corporate and biodiversity Sustainability Reporting Directive will help accelerate the integration Our new biodiversity policy statement is of biodiversity into investment processes. essential to formally integrate biodiversity considerations into our strategies. Data-enhanced Sustainability blog ESG 2.0: focus on materiality engagement strategy Higher-quality data and new methods to capture the material risks Across all asset classes our investment Launched in 2023, our blog and opportunities will rede昀椀ne the concept of ESG.8 professionals can now access more explores the latest issues in engagement data to support decisions. sustainable investing. See our Sustainability blog here. Shaping the market Regulation of transition Regulations will continue to evolve, likely with a greater focus on We are already working to develop, Sustainability Now transition 昀椀nance for the EU and UK. build and propose transition strategies in both public and private markets. Read our new blog for fresh takes on sustainable investing – from renewables to rewilding. Finding a solution with impact Targeting real-world change Public markets start to incorporate concepts from private markets We explore how best to develop credible to solve challenges with scalable solutions that bring positive and robust public market strategies with environmental and social impacts. real-world impact. Allianz Global Investors Sustainability and Stewardship Report 2023: Snapshot 03