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AllianzGI Stewardship Statement Principles Discharging our stewardship responsibilities AllianzGI’s stewardship activities include monitoring aimed at improving corporate practices and disclosure and engaging companies on a broad range of issues, of information at an industry or market level. including, but not limited to strategy, performance, capital management, corporate governance and Active investment strategies benefit from the exercising of shareholder rights, risk management, operational voting rights. AllianzGI sees proxy voting as a core part of our issues, audit and accounting, management remuneration investment and stewardship processes and our fiduciary duty and incentives, environmental, social and business in managing our clients’ assets. We have robust policies for conduct issues, transparency and disclosure. major corporate governance and proxy voting matters and put substantial effort into developing and debating our views AllianzGI sees the value of engagement to be in sharing and positions. Our proxy voting decision-making process our knowledge, views and perspectives with boards and involves close collaboration between portfolio managers management of investee companies with the aim of helping and our Sustainability Research and Stewardship team. Our to improve performance and to better assure their long- engagement activities inform proxy voting, while corporate term business prospects, ultimately in the interest of our governance analysis undertaken for proxy voting purposes clients. We also find that exposure to a broader range of feeds into investment research. AllianzGI’s integrated stakeholders at investee companies, particularly non- approach to stewardship is enabled by our investment executive board members, enhances our understanding philosophy, the structure of our investment platform, and of the business, its strategy and value drivers, as well as our our global collaboration system, as follows: knowledge of the governance, culture and sustainability approach of the companies we invest in, which enriches 1. W e are an active manager running a large number our investment analysis. Critically, it helps to assess quality of long-term fundamental strategies. This creates a of leadership and oversight, and to build confidence and substantial pool of portfolio managers who are willing trust in the board and management. to engage with investee companies to help improve performance or mitigate risk. Portfolio managers In addition to direct company engagements, we undertake also participate in and contribute to public policy targeted thematic engagements, public policy engagements engagements, where intervention is considered and participate in collaborative engagement initiatives in the best interests of our clients. 4

Stewardship Statement - Page 4 Stewardship Statement Page 3 Page 5